What is 'Ginslag'?

In layman's terms, a Ginslag is a cocktail, but to those connected with their inner arsonist, Ginslag is a state of mind. Many a time people have said to me "even drinking a Ginslag, I long for Ginslag". You do not 'drink' a Ginslag, you experience it, feel it's fiery tentacles reach into your soul, and set it alight.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Lesson four; ginslag poetry - a nightmare of words

All true ginslags are passionate about poetry. "But ginslag's are passionate about lots of things! Fires, pain, narcotics, pagan worship...". Yes, we are passionate about those things, but poetry is not only one of those, it is something we can use to express our passion for things such as fires, pain, narcotics, and pagan worship. It is indeed, a wonderslag.

One of the first and most active members of the ginslag community, was Lewis Carroll. We advise playing only once at a time for the first go unless you are an experienced ginslagger, or it may cause serious psychosis.

I hope you enjoyed that little ones, if you went for the full slag you may have even seen the Jabberwock itself in an acid like vision, you lucky things!

Now, for some of our very own poetry, written about an enemy blog.


Rage out, liquid outrage flying at the wall.
Outrage on revulsion, omelette of disdain.
Vomitashándréa, pretentious provocation.
Carrot flotilla; sick of the words, sick on the wall.
Robe Di Kappa poster disgraced by yellow, red and green.
Omelette of disdain.
What was for dinner?
Your blog.

I hope this short poem expressed how we here at ginslag feel about dissenters, critics, and opponents of any kind; they cannot be tolerated. Though you may have not quite experienced a full ginslag today, we hope you will understand more about what ginslag is, where it comes from, and what it means.


  1. Duchess Petticoat29 April 2010 at 08:20

    Vomiting, in ginslagian terms, may appear confusing as it is both the highest praise and most ravaging insult.

    All is in the tone, facial expression and body language.

    This post has made my life a brighter place. Have a ginslag.

  2. My personal ginslag poem

  3. This man's delivery is haunting, and the ending is just perfect.

    He should be given some kind of Medal.

  4. Maude - Woman of International Actions3 May 2010 at 21:30

    I completely agree, the way you know what he means despite him communicating it so badly is pure ginslag. pure. fucking. ginslag.

    What he said about bleached skin was very profound, deep, social commentary on American consumerism.

    He should have a permanent place on the ginslag team.


You are about to congratulate ginslag for being all supreme, and agree that the birth of which is the greatest story ever told.
If you have intentions other than this please fuck off.